Homeland Security and Emergency Services

Firefighter and Emergency Service Resources

NYS First Responder Mental Health Needs Assessment

DHSES and SUNY New Paltz Institute for Disaster Mental Health report on mental health needs of first responders.

The New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services - DHSES - works to protect New Yorkers, their property, and the State's economic well-being from natural and human-caused emergencies and disasters.

DHSES strives to improve readiness and response across the Empire State through planning, training and a multitude of programs and partnerships with government, private sector, and other organizations.

DHSES also coordinates response and recovery efforts of State agencies during emergencies and disasters in support of local government and its constituents.

Be Prepared and Stay Safe

Training Programs and Registration
DHSES delivers and supports training and exercises to ensure first-responder disciplines receive the highest level of attention. Find course information through training program pages or the Learning Management System (LMS) Portal.
Join the DHSES Team
A Message From Commissioner Bray

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Alternative Text
DHSES Commissioner Bray on DHSES Careers

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