Title: FEMA 4755 DR-NY Severe Storm and Flooding
Declaration Date: January 30, 2024
Incident Period: September 28, 2023 to September 30, 2023
Counties: Kings, Nassau, and Westchester
Webinar and Applicant Briefings
DR 4755 Severe Storm and Flooding - Applicant Briefing Announcement
The DR 4755 Applicant Briefing announcement contains the registration link for the presentation scheduled for February 15th.
DR 4755 Severe Storm and Flooding - Applicant Briefing Presentation (Revised 2/29/2024)
The slides and notes from DR 4755 Applicant Briefing Presentation held on February 15th, 2024 (Revised 2/29/2024).
DR 4755 Severe Storm and Flooding - Applicant Briefing Presentation Recording
This is a recording of the DR 4755 Severe Storm and Flooding Applicant Briefing Presentation conducted on February 15, 2024, by DHSES Recovery.
DR 4755 Applicant Handbook
The DR 4814 Applicant Handbook provides information on disaster-specific policies and guidelines.
Request for Public Assistance
Request for Public Assistance - Private / Not-for-Profit Entities 4755-DR-NY
FEMA's request for Public Assistance for Private Non-for-Profit Entities.
Request for Public Assistance – Government Entities 4755-DR-NY
FEMA's Request for Public Assistance Form for Government Entities.
DHSES Public Assistance Materials
FEMA Policy
This document contains frequently asked questions to explain the implementation of Immediate Needs Funding by FEMA.
FEMA INF Fact Sheet
This document contains the fact sheet to explain the implementation of Immediate Needs Funding by FEMA.
Public Assistance Guidance on Inundated and Submerged Roads
Policy clarifying the eligibility of funding for public roads inundated by floodwaters directly related to a major disaster declared under the Stafford Act.
Consensus-Based Codes, Specifications and Standards for Public Assistance
This document defines the framework and requirements for consistent and appropriate implementation of consensus-based design, construction and maintenance codes, specifications, and standards for Public Assistance (PA) to promote resiliency and achieve risk reduction.
Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide, Version 4 6-1-2020
This document defines FEMA's PA Program, and its policy and procedural requirements.
US Army Corps Nationwide Permit 3 – Maintenance Policy
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Nationwide Permit #3 - Maintenance Policy
Nationwide Permit 3 – Self Certification
Example of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Nationwide Permit #3 - Self Certification