Office of Fire Prevention and Control
Prevention Through Education
The following fire safety and prevention resources from the Office of Fire Prevention and Control aim to increase public awareness about fire safety and provide information about live-saving fire protection technology.
Home Fire Safety
Tools and Guidance
Home Fire Safety Checklist
Utilize this checklist and pamphlet to help save your property, your life, and the lives of those you love.
Be Prepared
Home Fire Protection Devices
Fire Extinguishers
Smoke Detectors
Prevent Tragedy
Youth Fire-Setting Intervention
Educate yourself and others about the dangers and warning signs of firesetting behavior in youth.
Additional Guidance
Fire Safety Information for Kids
A powerhouse team of heroic characters educate kids about fire safety tools.
"Captain No-Harm" tells kids what to inform their parents about smoke alarms.
Fire Safety Information for the Aging
Fire safety guidance for individuals who provide care for an elderly person.
Tips for adults age 65+ who are most at risk of fire-related injury or death.
Stay Informed
News and Publications
Find safety recall information and fire safety publications to share with family and friends.