
Grants Programs

Grants Program Administration

The Grants Program Administration (GPA) office administers several state and federal preparedness grant programs. 

Grant Funding
Homeland Security Preparedness Programs
Federal Programs

DHSES is the designated State Administrative Agency (SAA) for federal preparedness funding allocated to New York State, including the Homeland Security Grant Program, the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, and the Emergency Management Performance Grant Program.


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State Programs

The Grants Program Administration (GPA) office administers several state-funded preparedness programs including Statewide Interoperable Communications, Public Safety Answering Points, Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes, and Recruitment and Retention grant programs.


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Additional Funding Opportunities
Disaster Recovery
The four program areas of the DHSES Disaster Recovery office help individuals and communities rebuild, recover, and become more resilient after a disaster.
Grants Program Administration
Contact Information
1220 Washington Avenue State Office Campus Building 7A Suite 610 Albany, NY 12226 1-866-837-9133