Office of Emergency Management Training


Today's first response community finds itself challenged with a wide range of continually evolving threats, and natural or human caused incidents requiring continued emphasis on preparedness training and the development of sound strategies to counter and recover from these threats. The potential use of chemical, biological, and radiological agents along with the challenges faced from explosives and homicide/suicide bombers, as well as natural disasters are shaping the present and future preparation of responders. But our purpose is not limited to first responders.

As technological threats evolve and we continue to experience unprecedented natural phenomenon, both here in NYS and around the globe, the need exists for comprehensive, proactive, "threat based," and "intelligence and data driven" preparedness levels with all types of government, private, and volunteer resources. Without clear direction, coordination, and support, it is difficult, if not impossible, to ensure that the level of readiness is appropriate for the challenges we have faced and will continue to experience.

State OEM Training is responsible for the coordination and delivery of training to New York's emergency responder agencies and individuals. Through our various partnerships, Training is able to provide the best possible training to emergency responders, enhance the local delivery of training, and coordinate a comprehensive, inclusive statewide training and exercise support strategy.

The Training and Exercise Program serves all emergency management professionals, including:

  • Fire Service
  • Law Enforcement
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Emergency Management
  • Public Works
  • Public Health
  • Business and Industry
  • State and Federal Agencies
  • Utility Representatives, and
  • Cooperating Agencies



Our vision is to meet the training needs of emergency management professionals across New York State through customized curricula and coordination of external training, that not only supports first responders but integrates public safety awareness and increases the knowledge base of all New York State emergency management and first responder personnel. By incorporating up-to-date intelligence with responsive and proactive training programs, we can ensure that our audience receive the timeliest and most relevant training available based upon realistic, adaptive, and appropriate mission specific competencies.



Our training mission is facilitating, coordinating, and providing training and exercise support with quality educational programs, so that emergency management professionals will be better able to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disastrous incidents while protecting lives, property, and the environment.

Training Programs

OEM Supported Training

FEMA Independent Study (IS) Courses

Incident Command System (ICS)

NIMS Training

Professional Development Series (PDS)

Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management

Exercise Courses

Public Information Courses


Basic Academy

  • L-101 Foundations of Emergency Management
  • L-102 Science of Disaster
  • L-103 Planning: Emergency Operations
  • L-146 Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
  • L-105 Public Information and Warning

Other Courses

  • G-141 Instructional Presentation and Evaluation Skills 
  • G-205 Recovery from Disaster: The Local Community Role
  • G-235 Emergency Planning
  • G-364 Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools
  • G-386 Mass Fatality Incident Response
  • G-417 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Train-the-Trainer (TtT)

Independent Study Certificates

Inquiries regarding certificates or EMI online courses should be directed to the Emergency Management Institute's Independent Study Office by phone: 301-447-1200 or e-mail: [email protected].

FEMA Transcript

The EMI Student Self-Service Portal allows you to print or download Independent Study (IS) Completion Certificates, Student IS Transcripts (for personal or employer use) and Official IS Transcripts (for educational institutions only). 


Mobile Training

Mobile Training deliveries provide training to local emergency response agencies at no cost to the agency. The instructor cadre is comprised of qualified, certified, and highly skilled Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) that are available to train local first response agencies anywhere in New York State. Requests for training from members of the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium, and other federal and State agencies, are also processed through our office.

To schedule a training course, your agency will be required to provide a description of the capabilities that the training course will enhance, link the training course to the NYS Homeland Security Strategy, and provide adequate classroom/training space to conduct the training delivery. All agencies requesting a Mobile Training delivery must submit a Request through NYR for a DHSES Training Course and complete the Training Request Form.


Federal Coordination Partners

DHSES OEM Training is designated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Preparedness Directorate (NPD), and National Training and Education Division (NTED) as the State Administrative Agent Training Point of Contact (SAAT) for all National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) sponsored training programs throughout New York.

DHSES OEM Training is also designated as a State Training Officer by FEMA for their Emergency Management Institute and Mobile training courses.

This enables us to closely monitor requests for training, ensuring an appropriate fit within a statewide strategy that is consistent with current practice as well as expediting the delivery of training services where they are most needed.



Out of State Training

Out of state training is also available through our National Domestic Preparedness Consortium partners, as well as FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI).


Non-DHS Approved Training

To request training approval of Non-DHS Approved Training Utilizing Grant Funds, please fill out the Request Form Utilizing Grant Funds. Please return the completed form to the Training & Exercise Section.


Course Curriculum Review and Approval Assistance Program

DHSES utilizes a Course Curriculum Review and Approval Assistance Program to provide a comprehensive and consistent process for the review and approval of locally developed programs that wish to gain approval from the Department of Homeland Security's National Training and Education Division (NTED). This process will enable DHSES to direct our limited resources toward developing programs that best meet specific training needs and that enhance the capabilities of the local first response agencies. The process will also assist the requesting agency to obtain the necessary approval required for the use of the various federal grant programs that fund the development, delivery, and attendance at the training delivery.

Local agencies interested in developing courses in which they can utilize federal homeland security grant funding should contact us using the below contact information.


Questions regarding these training services and assistance should be directed to:

New York State Office of Emergency Management - Training & Exercise Section

[email protected]

(518) 292-2351

Training Calendar

Additional Training Resources



How do I confirm that I am enrolled for a class?

  • Class roster confirmations are generally sent out 21 days prior to the course and after a course manager has a chance to review the roster. Registering for a class does not guarantee enrollment and enrollment is not on a first come first serve basis. Typically, these are sent via email.

Can I provide registration information over the phone?

  • With limited staff, we are unable to take registrations over the phone.

What do I do if I cannot register online?

How do I request reasonable accommodations?

  • Reasonable accommodations requests are required during the registration process or over the phone (post-registration) a minimum two (2) weeks in advance. Reasonable accommodations requests may be offered and/or filled through alternate means, such as offering the course at another location and date. Most State OEM courses are not held at State OEM-owned facilities. Facilities are screened to evaluate most accessibility issues - those that are ADA-compliant (not "certified") facilities are chosen. However, those facilities are not under State OEM's control or management. Expectations of host facilities are that physical barrier limitations are minimized. Hearing and visually impaired needs are handled based on the reasonable accommodations.

When can I expect to receive my certificate?

  • Many certificates are generated once all course documentation is received, usually within one week.  If it has been longer than two weeks since you completed your course, please call OEM Training at 518-292-2351 or email at [email protected]

Course Records Access and Prerequisites

Have I completed the prerequisite? Where can I get my prerequisite copy?

  • State OEM checks internal databases only for prerequisite completion. You will need to contact the agency that sponsored the course in any other circumstance.

Can I take an ICS-300 course online?

  • No. An accepted, NIMS-compliant ICS-300 course is not available online.

Registrations and Withdrawals

Enrollment Eligibility, Selection, and Registration

  • Enrollment is open to anyone interested in public safety and/or emergency management, but priority into a specific course will be based on course target audience and those in public safety or emergency management. Enrollment is limited in some cases due to economic, facility, and/or instructional considerations. Early enrollment is encouraged. However, acceptance is not necessarily first-come, first-served as State OEM attempts to maximize audience outreach and broaden participation.
  • Course announcements are located on the Training Calendar, which outlines specific course details, including target audiences, locations, dates, times, and registration information.
  • Pre-registration is required for all State OEM courses and, in most cases, is accomplished via online registration. In some cases, course registration is provided via the hosting entity. Please review course announcements for additional registration information.

Canceling/Withdrawing from a Course

  • Accepted participants who withdraw from a course should notify Training at 518-292-2351 or e-mail [email protected] at least one week prior to the start date of the course. Repeated short-notice withdrawals may jeopardize or delay future course enrollment.

"No Show" Policy for State OEM-Sponsored Courses

  • Space in most State OEM classes is limited and frequently requires formation of waiting lists. For this reason, a strict "no-show" policy has been implemented. Please try to notify this office within one (1) week of the class for cancellation, so that the vacancy might be filled.


  • Students who have been accepted for a class, and then fail to attend without notification to the State Training Officer or Program Manager, will be considered last for acceptance into future classes for a period of six months.
  • second infraction may result in the person being barred from all classes for six months.
  • third infraction result in a person being barred from all classes for a year. 

Short Notice Cancellations

  • More than two short notice cancellations in a calendar year, less than one week will notice carry the same penalties as described above.

Can a person take a course even if they have not completed a prerequisite?

  • Generally, no. You will be asked to provide certificates as proof for new course registration. Sometimes an independent study can be completed in a short time frame that overlaps with a beginning course date, which may be allowed by the course manager. If others have completed the prerequisite and the course is full, you will be denied entry to the course.

Can I register for a course after it is closed? Do you have a waiting list? Can I register on-site?

  • When courses are full, waiting lists are established. If there is a chance for an opening, a student on a waiting list will be contacted with short notice first. Pre-registration is generally required for all courses (see course announcement for specific information).

Can I reschedule and change to another course?

  • Contact State OEM Training and provide the course name(s)/dates(s) of the course you wish to withdraw from or enroll in. State OEM does not carry waiting lists over to the next course offering.

How do I get directions to a facility?

  • Course participant confirmation is sent by email to the individual and will include up-to-date information, including potential course logistical changes.

Course Cancellations

  • In the event of a disaster/emergency in New York State, the immediate assignment of State OEM personnel may necessitate the cancellation of State OEM-sponsored training programs on very short notice. State OEM Training staff will make all reasonable attempts to notify participants of the cancellation as soon as possible.
  • Additionally, in the event of hazardous conditions due to winter weather and depending on where training is being held, course postponements or delays will be based on local school district closings.
  • Should a cancellation occur, State OEM accepts no liability or responsibility for expenses incurred by participants for any canceled course. State OEM will attempt to make reasonable accommodations for affected participants for a future offering of the same course. Each situation will be reviewed on an individual basis.
  • We do apologize for any inconvenience that a cancellation under these circumstances may cause. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact State OEM Training.

Are OEM-delivered courses NIMS Compliant?

  • OEM-delivered ICS courses are NIMS compliant and use the National Training Curriculum.

Course Sponsorship and Training Managers

How much notice is needed to request a course?

  • Course requests are submitted via NY Responds (NYR) no less than four (4) months in advance and possibly longer depending on the curriculum. Facility reservation dates are critical to identify prior to requesting training.

Whom do I need to talk to for arranging a course?

  • If you are a county or local agency, contact your local county emergency managers office. If you are a State agency, please enter your request in NY Responds (NYR) as a quest for training.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Can I request a course strictly for my organization?

  • State OEM prefers to conduct courses to mixed audiences. The three main reasons for this policy are (1) adult learning is significantly more beneficial with an audience of mixed professions and backgrounds, (2) as a public State agency, State OEM needs to be cognizant to include local, state, and federal partners, and (3) we reach more geographic area participation to meet fiscal responsibilities to the people of New York State and grant providers.

​​​​​​​Who is in a course and can I have a copy of the roster?

  • State OEM does not provide "registration" updates. State OEM will provide a preliminary roster to the course sponsor when registration closes so that final acceptance can be determined with the course manager. Due to privacy concerns, it is State OEM's policy to not provide a course roster to course participants.

​​​​​​​When do you cancel or reschedule a class?

  • Due to instructor, travel, and material costs, courses are generally not cost effective unless they are a minimum of three-quarters full. Generally, decisions to cancel a class are made 21 days prior to the start of the class. If a significant number of students drop the course, the class may be cancelled with less notice.

​​​​​​​Travel and Lodging

Transportation Costs

  • All transportation costs are the responsibility of the participant.

​​​​​​​Lodging Costs

  • Lodging costs for certain courses may be covered by State OEM.
  • Lodging cost provisions are specified within the cost section of course announcements.
  • Per Comptroller regulations, lodging will only be provided for participants who travel more than 35 miles from their official station and/or place of residence.

Contact OEM Training & Exercise

Contact us by email:

Mailing Address:

1220 Washington Avenue

Building 22, Suite 101

Albany, NY 12226