Communications technician works on communications equipment

Office of Interoperable & Emergency Communications

Office of Interoperable & Emergency Communications
Office of Interoperable & Emergency Communications

The success of public safety responders to respond and mitigate emergency situations relies heavily on the ability to communicate.  Interoperability is when emergency responders can work seamlessly with other systems or products without any special effort.

Communications interoperability means sharing information via voice and data signals on demand, in real time, when needed, and as authorized. Communications interoperability makes it possible for emergency response agencies to work effectively together when responding to catastrophic accidents or disasters.

The Office of Interoperable and Emergency Communications (OIEC) oversees and directs the development of programs and services related to interoperable and emergency communications across the state.

Learn more about OIEC

Upcoming SIEC Board Meeting
May 21, 2025
The next meeting of the Statewide Interoperable and Emergency Communications (SIEC) Board is scheduled for Wednesday, May 21, 2025, in Albany, NY.

OIEC Programs

Inside OIEC

Public Safety Broadband
The Public Safety Broadband (PSBB) program is the official liaison between the Federal FirstNet Authority and public safety in New York. The Federal FirstNet Authority establishes a nationwide interoperable broadband network for public safety's use.
RACES - Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
Contact OIEC
Office of Interoperable & Emergency Communication 1220 Washington Avenue State Office Campus Building 7A, Floor 1, Suite 102 Albany, NY 12242 PHONE: (518) 322-4911