The New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program coordinates with various State agencies, nuclear counties, and fixed site nuclear power plants to ensure the safety of its residents.
New York State is home to four fixed site nuclear power plants covering five counties, as well as two low-level Naval nuclear facilities. One county within New York State is within 10 miles of a fixed site nuclear power plant in Connecticut.
The REP Program plans, trains, and exercises with shareholders in compliance with State Executive Law Article 2-B, and develops exercises following mandated criteria of NUREG-0654 and the FEMA REP Program Manual. The REP Program relies on effective technology to communicate and evaluate notifications and safety precautions as required. The REP Program also purchases, maintains, and calibrates radiological detection equipment to detect, monitor, and record the presence of radioactive materials.
The REP Program maintains the Radiological Hazards Annex for Fixed Nuclear Facilities to the NYS Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan to support the program procedures.

The New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness team provides guidance to partners and stakeholders via planning documents, training materials and many other resources to help protect New Yorkers in the...
Radiation detection equipment is used to determine where radiation may be located on an individual, vehicle, or equipment.
Emergency Worker Kits issued to State workers who respond to potential radiological emergencies include a Direct Read Dosimeter, a Dosimeter of Legal Record, Potassium Iodide (KI), an Exposure Record Card...
New York State Field Sampling Team members from Health and Agriculture & Markets take a vegetation sample during a federally evaluated ingestion exercise.
The New York State Field Sampling Team, including DHSES OEM, DOH, DEC and Ag&Mkts, receives a briefing for a federally evaluated ingestion exercise,
A practice tabletop exercise is held in advance of the federally evaluated exercise at the State Emergency Operations Center in Albany.
Steady State Operations
During Steady State Operations, the REP Program is responsible for maintaining many elements, including the following:
- Test and update all plant data connections in the assessment and evaluation room
- Ensure the State OEM REP instrument shop certifications and safety classes are performed
- Maintain inventory and proper calibration of all NYS radiation detection equipment
- Coordinate with counties to ensure proper public information has been provided
- Track nuclear shipments in NYS
- Plan, coordinate, and conduct federally evaluated radiological exercises
Emergency Response Activations
During Radiological Emergency Response Activations, the REP Program is responsible for the following:
- Coordination between the State, the licensee, and the counties to ensure the safety of all residents
- Ensure that emergency worker and reception centers are operational
- Ensures that correct and accurate information is supplied to the general public
- Assists localities in the evacuation of their impacted populations
- In both radiological and non-radiological events, the REP Program supports the activities of the State Emergency Operations Center

The above map displays the nuclear power plants that could impact New York State. The black dot represents the facility, the smaller circle depicts the 10 Mile Emergency Planning Zone, and the larger circle depicts the 50 Mile Ingestion Exposure Pathway.
Nuclear Power Plants in New York State
Nine Mile Point is located in Scriba, NY in Oswego County and contains two reactors operated by Constellation. Nine Mile Unit 1 is a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Nuclear Power Plant with an output of 620 MW. Nine Mile Unit 2 is a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Nuclear Power Plant with an output of 1148 MW. Learn more about how you can be prepared in the event of an emergency.
James A FitzPatrick is located in Scriba, NY in Oswego County and contains one reactor operated by Constellation. James A. Fitzpatrick is a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Nuclear Power Plant with an output of 838 MW. Learn more about how you can be prepared in an emergency.
The Robert E. Ginna nuclear power plant is in Ontario, NY in Wayne County and operated by Constellation. Ginna is a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) nuclear power plant with an output of 583 MW. Learn more about how you can be prepared in the event of an emergency: Monroe County | Wayne County