The New York State Preparedness Training Center (SPTC) is a multi-discipline complex operated by the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES). Located at the former Oneida County Airport in Oriskany, New York, the SPTC affords local, state, and federal public safety agencies a complex of training venues that can be used for the entire training spectrum. From classroom lectures and discussions to skill development lanes and high-performance scenario-based training, the SPTC offers unique opportunities for dynamic first responder training.
The SPTC is located at the former Oneida County Airport in Central New York. It is a short two and a half miles from Exit 32 of the NYS Thruway and is within minutes of Griffiss International Airport. The SPTC occupies approximately 1,100 fenced acres.
Welcome to your State Preparedness Training Center.
Education and Administrative Building

Education and Administration Building at Wintertime
Front Entrance of Education and Administration Building
One of Seven Reconfigurable Classrooms
Aerial View of Education and Administration Building and Parking Lot
Swift Water and Flood Training (SWFT)

Aerial view of the swift water channel
Aerial view of the three-acre pond
Students navigating the swift water channel

New York Avenue
Multiple CityScape venues
Students training in CityScape
Field Operations Building

Emergency Room Field Operation Building
Aerial view of the Field Operations Building
One of the classrooms in the Field Operation Building
In 2023, the SPTC added a new 300 degree, full-immersive simulator for law enforcement officers to train with
Building 3

Exterior of Building 3 during the winter
Indoor shoot house
Students prepping for course
Robot Rodeo - Obstacle Course
Orion Building

Exterior of Orion in Winter
FDNY Training in Orion
Enhanced Detection Training
Disaster Village

Eight post-disaster mobile homes
Exterior of mobile home
Inside of mobile home
Urban Search and Rescue Simulator

Urban Search and Rescue
Student rendering aid to victim
Students searching for victims amongst the rubble
Three-story vertical shaft
Simulated Trailer Park

Perimeter of Trailer Park
Trailer Park continued
Building 9

Aerial view of building 9
Blind turns and winding halls keep participants engaged
Interior of building 9
Outdoor Breaching House

Exterior of Outdoor Breaching House
Interior of Outdoor Breaching House
Mass Transit Venues

Exterior Train Car
Interior Train Car
Students training in train car
Exterior public bus
Oil Tanker located on the train tracks
Emergency Vehicle Operations Track

Aerial view of EVOC course
The Woods

Edge of the tree line
All terrain vehicle travelling in the woods
Students rendering first aid to victim in the woods
Campsite located in the woods
Hideaway Trailers

The Hideaway trailer in the winter
Student training in the Hideaway trailer
Canine Obstacle Course

various skills for handlers and their canines
obstacle course continued
NYPD Handler with his working canine
Open Fields

Students training in an open field
The open fields in the winter make great training for snowmobiles